Friday, January 23, 2009

Its a Stressful Life

So I said that i was gonna try to write everyday well.. that didn't quite happen unlike the average 16 year i have a job, its not that i needed one i have no reason for extra money for anything my parents pretty much give me anything within reason but i feel bad having to ask them for money so i decided i would get a job at full moon bbq. Its cool its kinda hard but the only bad thing is having to stand for so long and really needy customers. I have an 18 degree spinal curvature in my back and it cause a lot of pain but you know pain only makes you stronger haha. So it probably sounds like i complain a lot well i kinda do i try not to that's why i'm the quiet one in my group of friends and actually most things that i do say have to do with boys. It makes me kinda mad when my friends say that's the only thing i ever think or talk about because its far from it. Yes i do like boys they are so much easier to be friends with than grils are though i do love my group of girl friends. But i guess that's just who i am i like boys i like talking about them and hanging out with them but i am no slut. I've made a promise to God and myself that i will stay pure until i'm married to my perfect husband which i hope one day will come. So in health we're talking about stress. By the way health might just be the most pointless class i have ever taken its not that my teacher is dumb becase he's not its just that one my mom her two sisters and their mom were all nurses, my sister is a nursing major and i watch a ton of real medical shows so i pretty much know everything going on in the class. Anyways you'll find that i change the subject very easily and that its also very easier for me to get off topic sorry about that. Back to stress though i'm not a stressed person i have a lot to do but stress is how i strive that's how i get things done and i really don't show that i'm stressed unless something or someone pushes me over my limit then i tend to break down. Otherwise just by having a conversation with me you would probably never know that i have a lot of atress in my life. So that's it for today oh its 11:11 make a wish :) haha i know i'm weird so anyone who reads the whole thing wow you were brave


2 Samuel 22:11

11 He mounted the cherubim and flew;
he soared on the wings of the wind.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Starting Point

So just to start if anyone is actually reading this my spelling and grammar may not be the best its not that I'm not good at it its just I'm kinda lazy. So thanks if you are actually reading this um you'll see that i tend to ramble on but that's just me. So today was inauguration day, pretty cool. I actually got to watch the inauguration in choir and being an independent as some would say in politics but mostly leaning republican i am surprisingly very happy to see Barack Obama take office. I'm only 16 some say we are the future, well i don't see it yet, others say we shouldn't have a say, well you let me drive a car you might as well listen to my opinion. During the election period i leaned mostly towards McCain, it was mostly his views that won me over, but i was happy to see someone young new and fresh some like Obama make. Like he said its time for change and i feel very confident that he will bring it but then again if he doesn't by the end of his service i will still be very proud of him for stepping in during this rough time in our history and taking charge. Then again if he completely screws us over well i might not be so proud but people make mistakes we aren't perfect and if you think you are perfect please feel free to contact me so that i can slap you in the face :). The one thing that i don't get is the way news shows and newspapers bash former president Bush. Having to control the country at the time he did, i would say he did a pretty good job. So please if you don't like him keep it to yourself or actually better yet run for president, win, let terrorist attack the country, have a huge hurricane flood almost half of a state and then see where your approval rating stands. I personally thing Bush did a tremendous job in everything he did during his time in off no things were not perfect and maybe choices were made that may have not been the best choices to have been made but the thing is they were made, its happened and there is nothing you can do now about it so please to all you who are bashing former President Bush SHUT UP! its done over with and now we have a complete change in office and hopefully things will start to look up.

So everyday i am going to try to "blog" i thinks its stupid to call it that but whatever i am also going to try to tell you more about me and my life oh and i will also ass a quote, Bible verse or song lyrics
until the morrow

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted
-John Lennon